But he cant hear you.
Many of you here already know this but for those of you who don't....Mikey was born deaf.
I knew he was deaf by the time he was 8 weeks old, when I would enter the room to give he and his litter mates some kitty milk, they would all run to greet me at the door, except for Mikey, he would still be all curled sleeping away. I would have to literally walk over to him and touch him to wake him up and so the journey began.
Many would assume that living with a deaf cat would be difficult and it has it's challenges no doubt but Mikey is not disabled. Mikey is very capable and very bright, he even knows sign language, he knows...
Come here
Get down
bye bye
Time to Eat (he knows this one best)
These are just the ones off the top of my head, the ones used the most but I talk to Mikey all day long and so there are more I am just not thinking of. Yes, I talk to a deaf cat and maybe I am a little crazy but when we are all curled up together at night and I rest my head on him as I tell him how much I love him and he begins to purr from the vibration of my voice....I don't feel crazy, I don't feel crazy at all, I feel loved, by Mikey.
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