American College of Surgeons' Statement on the Use of Animals in Research
Internet Resources on the Moral Status of Animals
- American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Animal Rights Organizations list
- Animal Rights Resource Site
- Animal Welfare Information Center
- Animal Welfare - the Journal
- Animal Welfare Program at University of British Columbia
- Animal Welfare Programs (at University of California at Davis' Veterinary Medicine Extension)
- Animals in Veterinary Research
- Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights
- "Beastly Contractarianism? A Contractarian Analysis of the Possibility of Animal Rights," by Chris Tucker and Chris MacDonald
- Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- Compassion in World Farming: Campaigning against Cruelty
- Do animals have rights? (from Animal Freedom)
- Dr. Temple Grandin's Web Page
- Ethicsweb Bookstore: Animal Care Ethics & Animal Rights
- Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME)
- Humane Use of Animals in Research (by The American Physiological Society)
- Interesting Animal Rights WWW Sites (from "Ark Online")
- Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (JAAWS)
- Laboratory Primate Newsletter
- Moral Status of Animals (from Larry Hinman's "Ethics Updates" site)
- National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America Code of Ethics
- PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Society of Toxicology's Animals in Research Statement
- Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
- Why Use Animals in Research? (from Connecticut United for Research Excellence, Inc.)
Recent Supreme Court Decisions on Animal Rights
Resources Relating to Animals and Animal Rights
- Recent Supreme Court decisions on animal rights from the Cornell Law Center,
On-Line Articles on Animal Well-Being
- Animal Rights Law Center at Rutgers University School of Law offers an excellent selection of resources; includes cases and materials on Student Rights and Conscientious Objection to Harming Animals, Hunting and Wildlife Contraception, Hunter Harassment, Wild Horses, Animal Sacrifice, Animal Care Committees, and extensive material on legislation and regulations. An excellent site.
- Animal health, well-being and rights
- Animal Rights Resource Site includes excellent links to numerous animal rights resources, including PETA.
- Animal-Related Resources Located at the University of Liverpool. Includes a letter from Jane Goodall.
- National Wildlife Federation Home Page
- PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is perhaps the most active and influential of the animal-rights groups.
- Professional Ethics Resources on WWW From The University of British Columbia
- Society and Animals. An on-line journal devoted to "Social Scientific Studies of the Human Experience of Other Animals."
- Animal Rights: An Introductory Presentation. By Dilip Barman
- The French League of Animal Rights contains the Universal Declaration of the Animal Rights. Versions of the site are available in both French and English
- Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach - Gary Francione
- Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks,
- "The Origin of Speciesism," Philosophy (1996), pp. 41-60.
- "Util-izing Animals," Journal of Applied Philosophy (1995) pp. 13-25.
- "Two Models of Models in Biomedical Research," Philosophical Quarterly (1995) pp. 141-60.
- "Animal Experimentation: the Legacy of Claude Bernard," International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (1994) pp. 195-210.
- Brute Science: Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation (Routledge 1996). Philosophical Issues in Science
- Peter Singer, "Do Animals Feel Pain?"
- Robert Nozick, "Moral Constraints and Animals"
- Donald Graft, "Against Strong Speciesism"
- Donald VanDeVeer, "Interspecific Justice and Intrinsic Value" Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Spring, 1995.
Information and Resources on Alternatives to Animal Testing
(Thank you Andrea for this information)
Additional resources on alternatives to animal testing:
- Alternatives: This page is a comprehensive resource about the various alternative methods that exist for animal testing. Read through the different articles that discuss the details.
- Alternatives to Animal Tests: This page is provided by the Humane Society, and provides you with brief information on the alternatives and how to choose the best alternative for the testing you need.
- Using Computers to Assess the Heart: This article discusses the use of computers at diagnosing and finding out more information on the heart. These testing techniques are also useful in determining the effectiveness of particular drugs.
- Animals in Product Testing: This article discusses the use of animals in product testing as well as the alternative testing methods that are available as options to choose from.
- Ethics and Alternatives: Read about the ethics in testing and research with the use of animals as well as the available alternatives. This article also discusses the benefits of using these alternatives.
- Animal Testing and Alternatives: Provided by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, this page provides you with information on animal testing as well as the benefits of using alternative methods.
- Alternatives to Animal Testing: Read questions and answers on animal testing and the alternative options.
- Give the Animals Five: Alternatives to Animal Testing: This article discusses five alternatives that can be used in place of animal testing.
- Alternatives to Animal Use: This article briefly discusses animal use in research and the available alternative methods.
- Alternatives to Animal Testing: Read about the alternative testing methods that are used in place of animals.
- "Alternative" Medical Research: This page answers the question of whether there are any effective alternatives in place of animal use in research.
- Animal Testing Questions and Answers: The ASPCA provides a factual and unbiased guide to understanding animal testing.
- Non-Animal Testing Approach to EPA Labeling for Eye Irritation: This document from the Environmental Protection Agency provides information on the alternative methods to determine eye irritants in pesticides.
- Finding Alternatives to Animal Research: This page talks about how animal toxicity tests will most likely be unheard of within 20 years.
- Animals and Research: Alternatives to animal testing are described on this page from the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies.