During the past 13 years, Mikey has proven to be so much more than a pet; his heart is so real and his friendship is unmatched. Mikey was born deaf and with this, I anticipated many challenges along the way, I knew he would depend on me a great deal. Little did I know then that the challenges we would face would be my own and and it would be Mikey that I would be depending on.
You see, four months after Mikey was born, I gave birth to my son, a little boy, born too soon. I named him Johnny and he never took a breath, my baby was born still.
Leaving the hospital with empty arms was almost more than I could take, never in all my life have I ever experienced such grief. Returning home to his bedroom filled with all the things he would never use was overwhelming, I curled up in my bed and cried, I couldn't stop; I felt so alone and just so incredibly sad.
I remember the tears rolling down my cheek, I opened my eyes and there was this little white kitten licking the tears as they fell.None of the other kittens or cats in the house even noticed I had returned, but there was this little deaf kitty. He curled up next to my face and that is where he stayed all night long...
The days and weeks that followed were tough for me to get through but every time I turned around, there was this little white kitty following me everywhere and those moments when I would break down... were never spent alone, he knew, no matter where he was in the house or what he was doing, he knew I needed him... and he was there. Mikey could not hear my cries but he felt my pain because he was listening with his heart and the friendship he offered me made a difference.
Since that day, Mikey and I have been the best of friends, some laugh when I call him my best friend because he is cat, not realizing that no where in the definition of 'friend' does it say a friend can only be human.
Mikey's display of friendship has been like no other , he has been a constant source of comfort for me and has been my light through the darkest of times, today, he still continues to brighten my world.
You can read our full story here
So let me introduce you to Mikey - he is my friend.
This is beautiful. So sorry you had to go through the loss of a child, I can't imagine how that would feel. I can understand why Mickey would be your friend and not just a pet. Some animals just seem to know when you need them and that makes them even more special. He is truly a beauty.
Stunning Cat, amazing spirit, and loving friend. I'm glad you have each other!
beautiful is all i can say
He is very beautiful and looks like a white lion! Beautiful eyes too! From the looks of these photos he looks like he has the best personality! 😆❤👍👄
He is very beautiful and looks like a white lion! Beautiful eyes too! From the looks of these photos he looks like he has the best personality! 😆❤👍👄
You have posted SOO many beautiful expressions of MIKEY. He is gorgeous!!
Mikey is such a beautiful boy! You 2 are so fortunate to have each other. May he live as long as you do.
"In their eyes we see a loving soul, and in our hearts, we know we'll never have a finer friend.
Bless you both.
Mickey is such a beautiful,beautiful furbaby boy! I love your story about him I had a white kitten/cat for 18-19 years,I was so devastated when she died in 2004 and I named her Gizmo she was always there for me. She saved my life when my mom died. I can see in your words how much you love him I'm so happy that he brings you such happiness and I hope that you have him for along time and that he has you for along time as well Jennifer. I would like to read all your postings. I now have a Flamepoint Himilayan and I feel the same way about him as you do about Mickey. I'm glad that I've gotten to know you and Mickey. He is so Gorgeous and I'm proud to know you both. Please keep writing about your beautiful Mickey.
I am so pleased you found each other. Mickey certainly has his sixth sense, it seems to be knowing your feelings and emotions.
You are each others heroes I am sure.
This is a bond and a love and a friendship that will never be broken.
Take care and love each other for ever.
x x x
Aw, Mikey.<3 How very lovely.
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