The problem in our society is that we just don't look.... so we don't see.

Why is it that most people refuse to look at the suffering that animals go through?
"I just can't watch those video's" they say or "I don't need to see that stuff", "It won't change anything if I see it".
Interesting how we can't bring ourselves to watch it because it's too awful yet we go to that grocery store everyday and buy the meat, the eggs, the milk and never give two hoots about what it must be like for the animal that had to suffer through it.

The problem in our society is that we just don't look.... so we don't see.

If we had to watch what really happens behind the scenes, I believe most people would not be eating what we eat today or buying products that we use everyday.  Instead of facing the reality we stick our heads in the  clouds and pretend all is right with the world but inside we know that this place is very sick, even if we don't look at it. And it's not just about the meat, it's about the fur, the testing, the neglect, the whole attitude that animal suffering is just not the same as human suffering but even if it is so different as many claim, why would any suffering be ok especially when it is within our own power to stop it?

Will it ever stop?

I came across this Pinterest page tonight and found the courage to look through it. Maybe you will find the courage too and then maybe someday soon we will all have the courage to stand up and do what we know is right...and finally stop the suffering...because they should not have to suffer this way.

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